Submission Instructions

Algorithm Submission ⚙

Participants will be able to submit their algorithms as Docker containers.

We provide an example algorithm on GitHub. Please check this repository for instructions to prepare your inference algorithm and build your Docker container: DREAMING GitHub

More information about how to prepare a Challenge submission for can be found here: Create your own algorithm

Particularly, useful tips for preparing a submission are collected here: Submission tips

The method evaluation is split into two phases:

  • Phase 1 - Preliminary Container Testing Phase: Algorithms will be tested on two hidden test cases. This phase aims to test the Docker containers and algorithms on the platform. It is not part of the final ranking. Participants can submit up to 5 times for this phase!
  • Phase 2 - Final Test Phase: Algorithms will be tested on ten hidden test cases. A Consistency / Plausibility score, an Accuracy score and the algorithm's runtime will be evaluated and the algorithms will be ranked accordingly. Participants can submit up to 2 times for this phase!

Method submission will open on 19th February 2024!

Paper Submission 📝

To be eligible for awards, inclusion in the ISBI proceedings and invitation to contribute in a challenge summary paper, participants are highly encouraged to submit a paper describing their approach.

A valid paper consists of:

  • min. 4 pages,
  • Introduction,
  • Data description (including data preprocessing and data augmentation techniques),
  • Method description,
  • Cross-validation results on training data (including qualitative and quantitative assessment),
  • Discussion and conclusion.

Testing results from the final test phase do not need to be included in the paper. We strongly encourage authors to make their code publicly available! Authors should refer to the ISBI author instructions and templates to prepare their papers: Authors instructions

Paper submissions are handled through CMT. To create a submission for the challenge, click "Create new submission..." -> "ISBI 2024: Challenge papers".

Please make sure to specify "Challenge 4: DREAMING" as the subject area of your submission:

Every submitted paper will be peer-reviewed. Accepted papers will be presented as posters or oral presentations at the challenge event. Authors may publish their paper submissions as pre-prints. Submissions of substantially similar content to other venues are not allowed during the entire duration of the challenge. Papers that are not accepted can be contributed to other venues.